Business Consulting
Marketing Techniques, Morale Boosting, Employee Retention , Leadership Training, Environment Training. Providing answers and solutions, removing chaos and confusion. " When your business needs more , go to the kore."
KOREWAY BUSINESS CONSULTING offers a FREE no obligation consultation that specifically goes over specific questions , your business and business goals before you start your business to help you determine if you should start your business now, wait a while, where you are right now or determine if KOREWAY BUSINESS CONSULTING is a good fit for you. I offer 2 FREE consult calls to try to help with any questions you may have . You will also get professional and friendly customer service. I believe the customer should have options and choices.

I offer Detailed & Strategic Marketing Information on creative marketing places , Social Media and Marketing Strategies and provide information on different marketing platforms to help you market your business and services , and provide a foundation and a guideline, all at the same time. Last, but not least, I offer a BONUS MARKETING plan as well that (may) help you with your business and possibly draw interest and attention to your business or services. ( service cost ) $ 350
1) How important is it to you, that your employees want to stay with your company and plant roots there ? (2) Do you have ideas or concepts in place already for employees , or is there any perks, or rewards offered at your facility that would give them a reason to make them want to stay ? (3) What are some of the things that make your employees feel & know that their important or valued, and what things would make them feel appreciated ? ( 4 ) " WHY IS THE LEVEL OF UNHAPPINESS IN THE CORPORATE BUSINESS WORLD AND WORKPLACE IN AMERICA AT AN ALL TIME HIGH " ? wHY DO PEOPLE NOT PLANT ROOTS OR STAY AT A PLACE ..LIKE THEY USE TO. These are questions for every employer or company to possibly think about or consider, because it's sometimes easy to forget being in someone else's shoes and feel as though your not important, valued , heard , wanted ( or ) even appreciated. These are just some of the topics we will discuss and talk about under the Employee Retention program. ( service cost ) $ 450
In many businesses and companies today, morale or the desire to want to stay at a company can be very challenging at times, due to the fact that many places do not have any type of creative morale building ideas, or do not have any type of program(s) set in place that would cause people to want to stay there and plant roots and maybe grow with the company. Also, companies can be very reluctant to change or be open to new ideas and concepts that may change a working environment from operating from one way to another. " Come learn the different, practical and crucial morale building concepts and ideas you can offer and provide that may take them from wanting to leave, to possibly wanting to stay on board. I offer and promote creative, yet practical suggestions on topics that could possibly help a business or company become a place that people want to stay at , recommend or become employed by. ( service cost ) $ 450
Leadership is a gift, an opportunity and a privilege. This position should never be taken for granted or misused for one's own gain. The person you have hired or placed in charge as the supervisor or manager..is a direct reflection of what they have been taught or trained to be. This one area alone is one of the most crucial and important areas of a businesses daily operations...this one thing alone , can or will make or break a company , and in many cases , determine the direction that company or business goes. Are you willing to leave this to chance with those you place in charge ..or do you want to know for sure they will have the right leadership training to lead with integrity and character ..and know you can relax if you need to leave town . Don't go without this training folks. A LEADER always ( Information available through training . ) ( service cost ) $ 550
The existing or developing envirenment a company or business has created or allowed to be accepted or embraced , can and has the potential to impact the entire attitude and mindset of those working at a company, and potential clients or customers that may want to receive services from them. Many times , a positive , enthusiastic and friendly feeling clients or customers get from the employees of a company , can either influence or deter someone's decision to do business or receive service's there. It's vital that ideas be discussed regularly and encouraged for change , developing and improving work place attitude's , so that the company or business can continue to grow and improve in every area of operation. ( service cost ) $ 450